29….WOW. I didn’t think it would be that bad but I started realizing that ever since I can remember my mom has always celebrated her 29th birthday….and now here I am, at my mom’s golden age, the one that basically means this is it, after that you’re just old. Whew. So naturally a little panic started setting in…one last year until the BIG 30. But lucky me, Ryan is a whole six months older than me so I can wait and watch the breakdown of turning 30 happen for him and prep myself until it’s my turn
So turning 29 kind of felt like a big deal and in typical Ryan fashion, he planned the heck out of it! I’m talking four full days of birthday princess treatment. I didn’t even do the dishes once! Not ONE! Ha, but in all seriousness, he found some really cool ways to celebrate this 29 year old and I just have to share a few with you because well, this is my blog, BUT also, they are super awesome London things that you’re definitely going to want to check out!
It’s important to feel special and obviously, your best on your big day. For me, this usually means a mani – pedi. I love having my nails done and so the best way to pamper myself was a treatment at home! It is so relaxing having the salon come to you! I just poured a cup of coffee and sat back while Neat Nation organized the rest. The in-house (or hotel or office!) nail service is just one of many they offer…think about a relaxing massage at home following a day at the office — yes, please! I opted for this super trendy magnetic mani — it is a polish that goes on a shimmering purple but with the use of a magnet, it creates a design and in turn, a unique color. It was the perfect shade for a winter mani.
In the Hidden City Walk : This company has created eight city walks throughout London that involve a variety of different themes to appease any person! They provide you a few details to start : the time frame to begin, roughly how long the walk will take and the distance, and of course, the starting location. From there, you text in and the game is on! They send you text message clues that involve your surroundings and doing a bit of exploring that you must solve in order to receive the next clue. There are time penalties and help if you need clues as well as breaks at various pubs, coffee shops, etc. BUT IT IS SO MUCH FUN. We had the best time solving the clues and wandering around East London. We did the Shoreditch Street Art walk but we have decided that anyone else who visits us is also going on a Hidden City Walk as well! It was so much fun for just the two of us but they also have great walks for groups as well as competitions between larger groups! See more here!
ALADDIN : I have been dying to see this since it landed in London last year….and I honestly, hate that I waited SO long! It was AMAZING. The Genie stole the show for sure and in his entrance scene I honestly don’t know how he was talking, singing, dancing, and yes, also breathing…it was incredible! The costumes in the show we also stunning and my eyes felt like they’d been at a Vegas number with all the glitz and sparkles. I have to also admit that a tear may or may not have welled up during the Whole New World scene. Hey, I’m from the Disney generation, can you blame me?! See more here!
BOB BOB RICARD : I cannot believe I did not know about this place! Me, the champers girl, did not know. I had seen photos of the “press for champagne” floating around social media but here it was, right under my nose, in Soho! And with a button at every table, it’s no wonder this place has poured more champs than any other restaurant in the UK! And the Russian // English restaurant could teach the course on Design 101…you’ll either dine in the upstairs Blue Dining Room or downstairs in the Red Room. Both are equally breathtaking and only slightly extravagant! The perfect place for a birthday celebration…champagne and a pink sparkly cake!
Of course, you have to have a special birthday look and this year, I chose this gorgeous BodyFrock number! All of their dresses come with a sculpting slip for underneath the top layer–helping hide and tuck it all in! I love how detailed all of their dresses are with intricate lace or sparkling embellishments. My pretty little one is now on sale too!