We all know that London is all about glam, whether it be a night out, over the top events, or simply street style, you’re always wanting to look your best. Now imagine, getting that perfect makeup and fabulous blowout in the comforts of your flat OR even, brought right to you in your hotel room. BLOW is all about bringing the beauty to you, wherever you are. The convenience alone is a major selling point, but then add in the top level stylists and makeup artists and you have a genius solution to your beauty needs.
Caitlin, of AugustaLeigh Photo and The Glass Passage, and I had a photoshoot organized for her visit to London and BLOW arranged for the beauty prep in a snap and delivered to my front door. We woke up, showered off, and prepared a nice cuppa, and our stylists arrived to make us beautiful and glamorous.
Try BLOW for yourself, with ten pounds off on me! Use BELLEABROAD, and book a stylist to your flat, hotel, office or beauty bar!
And of course, here’s a sneak peek at some of the gorgeous photos from our day shooting London!