If you’re like me and just not quite ready to say aurevoir to summer, autumn sun holidays are what you’re after. Southern Italy, Greece, Morocco…all still hanging on to summer and are the perfect escape to store up on vitamin D before hibernating for winter! But for those last minute sunshine vacations, you need a little pick me up in the beauty department so here are my essential beauty items for fall sun holidays :After a reprieve from the sun, my pale skin needed a boost before baring it in skirts and swimmers. The sunless tanner from Rodan and Fields is oil free and easy to apply, leaving a smooth, natural looking tan!
After any amount of travel, and especially sun soaked holidays, your skin can be left dry and lifeless. The Clinique Moisture Surge brings back hydration and restores skin to a dewy, youthful state. The water bottle gift set is sold in duty free shops–such a brilliant idea, all the essentials to replenish your skin inside of a super handy water bottle!
An easy boost to get you holiday ready last minute, is a quick nail makeover! The Jamberry nail wraps are simple to apply, long-lasting and of course, come in super fun patterns that are perfect for jet-setters on holiday!
A new scent always makes me feel fresh and a floral one, ready for sunshine! I love the Stella McCartney Pop, not just because of the bright pink packaging, but it smells amazing and the smaller size fits perfectly in a carry on!
The absolutely adorable LONDON themed palette is a Clinique Non-Stop eyeshadow and blush set, perfect for a jetsetter with the essentials all in one pack! I love the smoky London style colors but the palettes are also available in New York and Tokyo sets as well.
1 Comment
I use Clinique:)