Boozy Brunch at Dirty Bones

In need of a boozy bestie brunch this weekend?! Who isn’t. My travel girl companion, Becky, and I popped into Dirty Bones off of High Street Kensington a few weeks back to sample out their Dirty Brunch. A very boozy brunch, Dirty Bones style. It includes 4 flights of cocktails…a Dirty Mary, Lexy cocktail (my fave!) or the always delicious, Prosecco. Paired with their scrumptious, southern American style menu, you will leave delightfully fulfilled and maybe even a touch tipsy.

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I’d describe the menu as ultimate comfort food–mac and cheese, smothered burgers, chicken and waffles, and these breakfast fries to die for…
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Those breakfast fries are covered in seasoned, fried eggs and drizzled in a smoky ketchup…hmm, getting hungry yet?!

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dirty bones

Deliciously brined chicken and waffles with a tasty little shot of maple syrup.

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Our faces when all this food arrived!

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Mac and cheese with a smoked cheddar sauce and parmesan crumble…swoon!


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A tasty burger with bacon, hollandaise sauce and it’s brunch, so a poached egg….seriously delicious!

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The High St Kens Dirty Bones is located on the lower level offering a cool, hip hideout.

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Brunch isn’t complete without dessert…

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We finished off with the milk & frosties…a sweet milk panna cotta with frosted flakes, the banana tolberone – tella waffles, and an oh-so-yummy oreo malted milkshake!

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dirty bones

Dirty Bones also offers a bottomless prosecco brunch at their Carnaby location.


Where are you brunching this weekend?!

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  1. I definitely need to visit here. The cocktails, oreo milkshake, chicken and waffles, just everything is making me drool! 😀