Schnitzel? Currywurst? Beer? Pick your poison! Or have them all. The best way to peruse the historic streets of Berlin and eat your way across it as well, a food tour. We did a secret food tour exploring East Berlin with Secret Food Tours–a super trendy foodie company with tours popping up all over Europe…London, Paris, Rome, Barcelona, and more coming soon! Our three hour tour was led by Karl, an expert on the foodie scene in Berlin and well, food in general…he’s had restaurants in NYC and NOLA! He also was quite the expert in the recent history of Berlin, where he spent summers crossing into East Berlin with his grandmother to visit his family inside the wall. The food was obviously spectacular but walking the streets of Berlin with a ‘insider’ and hearing the stories of his family’s experiences here, was the real highlight!
I can’t spoil the locations of the tour… I want you to go and taste, hear and feel this city and this experience yourself! So here’s some serious foodie photos…