Confession : my somewhat scraggly blonde locks have not been maintained as they should over the last year and a half, especially with all this travel. Maybe I have good hair genes that hide it or maybe I take 26445246 photos until it looks decent enough. Whatever, no need to clarify, but with one trim and no colorings in over a year, I was in desperate need of a hair pick up. I headed to my Ibiza buddy Laura Wellington at Basecuts…
Maybe you remember the beautiful blow out and braid masterpiece she worked on my sun drenched hair at Blow Out Ibiza? Well, when she’s not soaking up the Ibiza sunshine and blowing out bombshells, she’s back in London styling hair at what might be the best located salon–right at the end of Portobello Road. I headed north to Notting Hill for a color treatment with Olaplex–the increasingly popular repair care that helps restore damaged hair ( read : my post-travel, sun-soaked, salt water drenched hair ) and provides preventive measures against other ongoing treatments ( my coloring ).
The treatment has a two part salon process : first, the Bond Multiplier (which sounds like a super hero name?!) that works to start the repair process and is the part that is mixed with color, lightener, or other chemicals. The second part is the Bond Perfector that is applied post-shampoo and continues the restoring process making hair shiny, healthy, and you, very happy.
My favorite fun fact about Olaplex is that this is how those Kardashians keep going back and forth between brunette and blonde without destroying their hair!
I opted for a cooler blonde this time–what do you think? Am I ready to go even cooler, maybe grey-blonde?!
Click here to book a hair repair at Portobello BaseCuts!
And here for amazing hair inspo from Laura Wellington Hair!