Although I haven’t been on a slope in almost ten years, we have been daydreaming and plotting for a ski holiday since we moved to London…fresh snow, chalets and hot coco, maybe a hot tub here or there? But knowing how long it has been for me, I knew I had about one day of the slopes in me! And although insanely beautiful, the most common European ski destinations, take a bit more of a commitment than just the weekend! Between the flights and then sometimes hours of train or car travel, it just wasn’t realistic for a quick escape. Until we stumbled on the snowy mountaintop’s of Slovakia…Direct flights from London to Poprad with WizzAir meant a quick little escape for our ski weekend! Landing on a runway lined with fresh snowy slopes wasn’t too bad either… But then a quick 20 minute car ride and you’re in Štrbské Pleso, a beautiful lakeside village with surrounding mountains.
We checked into the gorgeous Kempinski High Tatras (read more here!) and headed to the slopes for a quick cross country tutorial! Ryan was so excited to try this and I have to admit it, although I was little intimidated what with all the pros zipping around me, it was a super fun activity! And quite the exercise! Possibly because every time I stopped to talk about it or snap a photo, I ended up with my skis over my head!
The next morning, we arrived extra early for their Fresh Start program–a offer allowing for a maximum of around 40 guests to ski or snowboard the first snow of the day! The slopes were crisp and bright, and with the minimal amount of people, so private! Which was great for me….I think I mentioned it had been a while?! Our ski guide was great showing us around and giving us the grand tour of the resort, AND especially being patient with me when I needed to take it slow (i.e. walk down the hill!). I WAS SUCH A BABY. That gorgeous downhill in Štrbské Pleso has many of my tears (and a few profanities) to remember me by!
Watching the sunrise from the top though, was one of my favorite moments of the whole weekend! The inversion clouds at the base of the mountain make you feel so away from it all. A truly breathtaking view!
The Štrbské Pleso region also is a popular choice for the summer months offering a variety of activities from hiking, cycling, boating, and so many others! I can just imagine how gorgeous the area would be with a lush green landscape and bright blue skies!
We also had an amazing time exploring the Fun Park with tubing, curling, and snow rafting. A playful afternoon embracing our inner kiddos!
Here a little video to take a peek at all there is to do in Štrbské Pleso : SLOVAKIA SKI WEEKEND
Here is how I pack for a ski holiday!