Confession : my somewhat scraggly blonde locks have not been maintained as they should over the last year and a half, especially with all this travel. Maybe I have good hair genes that hide it or maybe I take 26445246 photos until it looks decent enough. Whatever, no need to clarify, but with one trim […]
We all know that London is all about glam, whether it be a night out, over the top events, or simply street style, you’re always wanting to look your best. Now imagine, getting that perfect makeup and fabulous blowout in the comforts of your flat OR even, brought right to you in your hotel room. […]
Margot Robbie Inspired Hair Tutorial
I recently saw the movie Focus with Margot Robbie and Will Smith and was SO obsessed with her amazing hairstyles. I mean for starters, she’s gorgeous, but these hairstyles were elegant and looked simple enough for day to day wear. So I made you this easy little tutorial of one of my faves. I am […]
Oktoberfest PLUS {a braid tutorial}
Even though the real Oktoberfest has come and past, the rest of the world is just beginning the month long celebration of drinking beer, chanting loudly, and wearing adorable Dirndls and Lederhosen. Here are three great places to celebrate Oktoberfest in London! London Oktoberfest 2015 : live music, authentic German beer, & costumes for rent. Oktoberfest […]
The Messy Bow Bun
This is an easy, quick and ADORABLE hair style that I’m loving these days. Here I am just waiting on the royal baby to arrive! Share your bow buns with me! #thebelleabroadhair