Tasting Marrakech : A MOROCCAN FOOD TOUR

Have I mentioned the food of Morocco yet?! I know, I know, at least a little. But these traditional, flavorful dishes trigger tastes of both its’ Arabic and African roots. What I’m saying is, don’t skimp on the eating in Morocco.One of my favorite ways to try all the traditional food and drinks when traveling […]

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You’ve heard me rave about my love for riads before but here is the post with the in’s and out’s of staying in one. We choose the stunning Riad BE in Marrakech after some serious searching because, not only is it GORGEOUS, but the owners, Nicole and Mo, were so great in helping us plan our […]

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Travel Bucketlist 2015

So we spent most of the last week moving into our new flat, which has been an exciting whirlwind of packing, taxi rides, unpacking, Ikea trips, rediscovering all of the old things we shipped over that now feel like new, hammering and nailing things into walls, calling the maintenance man not once, not twice but […]

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